
By LifeLines

Hole in the Wall Gang

Many thanks for kind and supportive comments on yesterday’s blip. I’m now considering my next sewing project. It may be another style of blanket - one with a self binding edge - something that will develop my (very limited) skills a little further.

This morning we walked along the coast at Prinsted. It felt bitterly cold with the easterly wind on our faces, although the sight of the sunshine reflecting on the water made it feel uplifting despite the chill.

On the way home Andy dropped Merlin and I in Emsworth and we walked the few miles home so as to get a little more fresh air and exercise. We popped in to see these tiles which are displayed outside the Hole in the Wall community pottery/Clive Yeoman Pottery. I love the different designs and the textures on the tiles. I wonder about the people and stories which lie behind them.

This afternoon I’ve watched some sewing tutorials, made bread and had another walk.

Hoping your Monday has gone smoothly.

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