A time for everything

By turnx3

Stained glass against the snow

We had more snow today, and the temperatures fell during the day. The forecast had said the snow would arrive about 10:am, but it started earlier than that. We were at church early for choir as usual, and we had a pretty good turnout, just one couple had texted to say they weren’t going to risk it -:they live in an area called Mount Lookout, which as its name suggests is in a hilly area of town, and also doesn’t seem to get such great snow clearing, as we do where we live. By the time the service started, I think there were more people in the choir and Praise Band than there were in the congregation, but there were plenty of people watching online.
My blip shows a stained glass panel hanging in the Parlour window at the front of the church, where we have our refreshments and fellowship after service, with the snowy scene in the background. We had a rather slippery drive home, especially since we took one of our fellow choir members home, which meant us going on more side streets than we would regularly. However, within a couple of hours, the snow plows had been around, and R decided to go to the gym for some exercise, while I chose to stay home in the warm and dry!

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