It's tough after being away in a very photogenic location to come home again and look for something to photograph every day. I sometimes think why bother but then I do enjoy having a daily journal to look back on and my journal has been very much appreciated by me as a record of what I did and when. So nothing special photographed again today, other than a hellebore from my garden.
Last night our camera club hosted an inter club competition for five other qualifying clubs on zoom. Our judge was a very experienced and well respected judge but within the first few minutes of her commencing the judging, you could hear the audible gasps from some members (who had not yet turned off their sound). The scores were out of 10 and as many seasoned members of our club said, in all their years of belonging to a camera club they have never seen an image get awarded a 2 or a 3. Usually if an image is not that great it gets a 6 and then it is in half points up to 10. She was giving positive comments but then awarding very low scores - well we made a note never to invite her back for judging again. Also she had dodgy wifi so we often could not hear what she was saying. I think all the clubs were a bit shocked at her judging. She was also sent the images beforehand and pre-judging never works, the images lose their impact factor and so as a club we have decided never to give images to a judge before the competition.
Today was beautifully sunny but still chilly, however it does warm up as the week progresses.
We have a very busy weekend ahead of us, it's like buses you wait for one to come along and then they all arrive together. We have three social engagements on this weekend and Gavin is having surgery on Friday, with a full general anaesthetic, so not sure how this will work out. He is not one who likes any fuss so is determined to carry on as per usual.
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