
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 16/35
Main activity: Tues - around the house, TJs, ACtS Zoom
Notes: Cold day with low temps tho sunny. Still feeling so sluggish and tired, laid down ~noon for about an hour and then made a quick trip to Trader Joe's - some produce, dryer balls, veggie wash and a return. Forgot to grab the pic at the store. Back and had a call from Kathy Ray,  did some spreadsheet work for the recent Poppy show (givebutter site) and talked briefly with Susan. And then a 4p Zoom w/ Michelle D. to talk about next steps and focus for A Call to Spirit - longer meeting until 530p! Quick shower and warmed up some pot roast w/ veggies. Fed Chloe (that's her near her food & water where she sits or runs to expectantly many times a day!) and made 2 fried eggs to go w/ and had 2 pieces of sprouted toast. Relaxed then to some shows.

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