Child recycling
Cold and dull again today. Rather sad when I can't remember what I did this morning! Now I do recall trying to get to grips with the technicalities of my Kindle. I download books from Amazon and use it to read at the breakfast table - easier than the old days when I had a bookrest which propped the pages open. My daughter recently sent me a link to Project Gutenberg which has a collection of more than 75,000 e-books online, all of which can be downloaded free. (No, not 'for free'!) Amazon allows you to use their site to send them to your Kindle for free! Not. So I worked out how to do that.
After lunch we set out once more to try to find a comfortable chair for me to spend my evenings in. We first went to the LORI shop (Lorn & Oban Reuse Initiative, the income generating part of the GRAB Trust, which is the Group for Recycling in Argyll & Bute. Too many initials!). It's at 'the dump', aka the Moleigh Recycling Site, where they had one armchair which I tried for a while but had doubts about. I took my Blip there - I thought the sign was quite amusing!
We then went to our local furniture shop where a few weeks ago during their sale I sat in every possible chair without coming to a decision. This time I found one which was still on offer and felt OK. I'll go back sometime and sit in it for longer before committing myself.
Back home for a cuppa - Photo Club meeting tonight.
Quote of the Day: 'All men love peace in their armchairs after dinner.' - Oscar W. Firkins.
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