This is the day

By wrencottage


Having brought up three sons, and had no other females in the family, you can imagine my joy at having three granddaughters. I’m especially delighted that they are all good with their hands, and enjoy crafting.

I made this little carrier bag some years ago from a kit using plastic canvas and fine wool. I’m very fond of it, and like the way plastic canvas enables you to make objects which stand up on their own. I brought it out of the craft room this evening to show my daughter-in-law, who had called in on us. She had come out for some exercise, having spent the day sitting indoors crafting with the two little girls. I suggested that plastic canvas would be a good place to start teaching them the basic rudiments of sewing.

That’s the best I can do for today’s blip. I’ve had two bad nights in a row because I’m suffering from a bout of arthritic inflammation or possibly costochondritis (which I’ve had a couple of times before). I spent the morning in bed then, after a nap at lunchtime, I came downstairs but I haven’t got dressed all day. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow.

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