Living my dream

By Mima

Hidden monster

There is always at least one courgette which gets missed and grows into a humungous marrow. I thought I had found a biggy yesterday, but today I discovered this giant lurking beneath leaves and stems. It was 31cm long and weighed in at 1.2kg.

Together with yesterday's false monster and a misshapen courgette (see extra) - plus an onion, some stock, s&p and nutmeg - it has already been made into a large cauldron of Courgette Bisque, for which I have an almost insatiable appetite. And it freezes well.

While I don't grow anything specially for the A&P Show each year, I do nurture a few things and hang onto crops until it is time for the (lengthy) process to select the very best to exhibit. As a result, I have seven cabbages ready to harvest, a bucket+ of carrots, beans by the pillowcase and various other choice items. 

Post-Show I usually race around the kitchen making Showstopper soup, Showstopper curry (both for freezing), Showstopper chutney and various other delicacies to use up the heap of produce. 

This year I took one look at the freezers, another in the cool store and realised that to go to town making all those dishes is unnecessary: I have plenty of food, and with more growing in the garden it is definitely a time of excess. 

None of it will go to waste however: I will deliver a couple of box-loads to the local Food Bank each week for as long as possible.

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