Always, always cut open your juiciest strawberries before popping them into your gob.
It reminds me of this gem.
With the pressure of the Show lifted I have had the loveliest of days.
Dropping a box of veg off at the Food Bank this morning was interesting.
There are two Food Banks in town: one run by Presbyterian Support, the other by the Salvation Army. The former is just open on Fridays. The latter Monday to Thursday.
Between them they estimate that more than 100 families seek regular food support, and that there are probably at least another 100 families who would benefit from the Food Banks but who are too ashamed to approach anybody for help.
The PS Food Bank is in a warehouse full of shelves of tinned goods which they collect during an annual "Toot for Tucker" appeal in Oamaru. In addition they receive bread, eggs and milk from the supermarkets; plus out of date or damaged dry goods.
Sometimes they get fresh produce from the supermarkets, but only sporadically. So my box of cabbages, beans, cucumbers, courgettes and carrots was a welcome addition to today's supplies. I was able to assure them that it was all freshly-harvested, and all chemical-free. And that I'll be back...
Courgette Bisque
50g butter
1 medium onion
700g chopped courgettes
2 cups chicken or veg stock
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup fresh cream
Gently fry onion and courgettes in the butter in a pan for 5 minutes.
Add stock. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
Put through a blender or mouli.
Add nutmeg, S&P and reheat.
Stir in the cream until almost incorporated.
Eat :-)
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