Capital adventures

By marchmont


Up, packed, breakfasted and out before 9. Peter picked me up and off we went. 

We were heading to the mother temple at Besaikh. It's not far but if course it takes ages. When we got there there was a minibus hurl up the road, very welcome, and a personal guide. It was very interesting but on the way down (walking, not hurling) it started to rain, heavily. A plastic poncho was bought 

Next stop was lunch overlooking Mt Aging. I gave in and took a Bali Swing over the rice fields. 

It continued to rain all the way to Amed so no stop at Tirtagangga. The hotel is on the beach and my room faces the pool. 

Spent the rest of the day relaxing, swimming, reading, buying milk, sitting on the rooftop watching a cloudy sunset over Mt Agung and drinking Bintang and eating,not good, pizza, in the dark. 

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