Lordy! Some clouds - and windy with it. Not a problem for us with our towels well pegged. Off we stepped to some little nearby promontory to view the windsurfers and people along the beach. Everyone is quite young. It’s like we’ve been living in an old folks home. At the evening meal we espied a young couple who have just arrived. Easily spotted as they stand out so much, the poor things. I mean, don’t hotels have diversity targets for their clientele? Surely it can’t just be based on money?
But later, off to the Rock Island Bar as recommended by blip’s own Martin Dawe. Terrific! A regular troubadour from Alabama going by the name Chip plied us with the songs of John Prine, Bob, Bruce and assorted Americana. We even got talking to a young couple from Scotland. I say young. It’s relative.
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