
By Skysea7

‘I feel we’ve bonded over a banana!’

Just for a change from yesterday’s waiting room here’s a bland ‘in the drizzle’ view of the OUTSIDE of my GP surgery. The photo is fuzzy because I pointed my phone camera at it through the car window which was covered in rain.

Today was a ‘normal’ follow-up appointment with my diabetic nurse. But she also had my yesterday’s blood test results ( for kidney condition) on her screen! She said the doctor had just received them and he would be typing them up online this evening. She said this was what he did most evenings! It emerged that my doctor is her husband!!!!! I should be able to see my results online tomorrow. She said my GFR is now 12, an increase from 8. This is an improvement. But my creatinine figures are ‘still too high ‘. I now have to wait for the hospital’s renal unit to see the results and get in touch with me to tell me what will happen next.

The appointment started at 3pm and not long into it the Nurse asked me if I minded if she ate a banana because she hadn’t had time to eat lunch. I didn’t mind, I was just giving her a glucose reading from the Libre link fitted to my arm. The result was TOO LOW and she immediately insisted that I must eat some of her banana. She broke some off the bottom uneaten part and gave it to me. And said (hence the title of today’s blip) ‘I feel we’ve bonded over a banana!’

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