
By ArcLight

Rainbow in a benign sky

This is deceiving. The weather has been all over the place today. For starters, it has been quite warm, and it was warm enough for me to cycle up to work and back again just after lunchtime in a sweater and wearing no gloves. I took this photograph on the way home.  However, there has been a lot of rain and quite a lot of wind. We saw a lot of rainbows from the car on the journey up - some quite spectacular.

I spent the morning at work in two meetings, and then sped home as fast as I could so that we could get away soon after 2pm. We made it by 2.15pm and we pulled up outside the cottage at 5.40pm, which is very good time. The road from Perth to Inverness was remarkably clear, but the weather made driving periodically tricky. Apparently, it will also be a bit difficult in terms of weather on Sunday, when I have to drive back.

As Mr A has got a nasty cold, we gave some thought to not coming up, but there are things around the house and garden we need to sort out, and I was also convinced that while it was quite hard to make ourselves do it, we would be glad in the end that we did. Indeed. I feel that already. We've got the heating on, hot water bottles in the bed, and I'm doing my missing emails from this afternoon on the sofa with another hot water bottle on my legs. It's already starting to feel quite cosy. 

Back in the happy place.

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