That Will Do!

By flumgummery


To those unfamiliar with the snack,a YOYO is a ribbon of cooked fruit, wound into spiral; there are two in a pack and come in different flavours. The Flumlet prefers strawberry but managed to eat a pack of the apple variety as well.*

Naturally, the best way to eat one is by unwinding as you go til you reach the middle but here's a demonstration of an alternative method : unwind it first and let the end hang as you eat. I just love that boy.

On the way home I snapped one of several clumps of snowdrops that grow under the hedge; in queuing traffic it was easy to wind down the window for a clear view. The late sun just catches the topmost blooms, see extra. 

* Edit: for those interested in the composition, here's the list on the Strawberry flavour:-
Apples 65.8%, pears 32.9%, strawberries 1%, black carrot extract 0.3%. Each pack contains 20g.
So no added nasties!

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