Fasten your seat belts!
Don't be fooled by the gently purring Nanamobile. It's a souped-up Yaris that can do Ballina-Belmullet in under 35 minutes.
What? New reduced speed limits on country roads you say?
Je ne moi pas parlay le language. Moi Nana speedy gonzales. Ze speede limite? Whot iz this?
Well, we had a good reason to rush back to Belmullet. Nana (chestnut mushroom, parma ham) and more importantly Uncle Martin (deer fillet) had provided the ingredients for a Wellington*. It just needed to be cooked. And I think I did a pretty decent job, even if I say so myself.
* He was good at three things, and three things only: waterproof footwear, a tasty dish and kicking the arse of warmongering midgets with dreams of world domination.
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