It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Red Kite, White Wolf and Dark Skies!!

Im afraid its only an iphone blip today. I could see the weather coming in and I was up a bit earlier today which meant get Diesel out before it becomes a wet T shirt competition!

These very dark clouds were rolling in fast and the young girl at the top was making the most of the wind before the rains came by flying her lovely red kite.
As luck would have it I got back with minutes to spare before the rains came battering the roof!
So bath now and a play in Lightroom 5 which I bought and downloaded last night when I got home from work ;-)
We actually got a pay rise this year! Yippeeee Not huge but better than a kick up the backside. So it called for some retail Lightroom 5 therapy ;-)
Draco x The Storm Dragon

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