
By Wildwood

Flower Friday. : : Hellebore

We have two hellebore plants, small and crouching under tall shrubs, but blooming beautifully, so I thought I'd go out and attempt to take a picture...not an easy feat as the plants are low and insistently turn their faces to the ground. I hit upon putting my camera phone on selfie mode and balancing it directly under a flower. The focus on the flower isn't right, but at least it is focused on a flawlessly blue sky and the olive tree behind it.  Another one in extra caught some interesting rays of sunshine.

I thought we were on the home stretch yesterday, but today John seems to have reverted to coughing and nose blowing and I feel about the same, so we are back to our zombie drifting about the house, feeling more than  a bit fed up and bored, but without the energy to do much about it.

The Felon and his cronies are starting to invade my dreams at night, which I resent enormously. Maybe that's why I didn't sleep well last night. I'm working on the Buddhist principles of compassion and inner peace (Thank you Hilary's View), excellent qualities that are difficult to attain in these fraught times.

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