Rhod Gilbert at The Playhouse
We got to see Rhod Gilbert today and his new show. We've not seen him since (we think) 2006/7 when we saw him at the Pleasance in one of his early runs. We may have even gotten "papered" tickets to be bums on seats during the previews day.
His show circles around his recent cancer journey and some of the characters he met during this time. It really was a bit of a dark topic to write a show around, but Rhod managed it. Glad I went as we don't often see big acts in Edinburgh outside of the normal Fringe time of year.
Earlier in the day we'd made a wee trip to Linlithgow. With this visit there was an attendance at the local Rotary Club coffee morning. Cake, coffee and a Tombola.
This was the prize - a birdbath. We've yet to place this anywhere. It still remains in the car, in it's bubble wrap.
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