
By CRCanuck

Another momentous day

In a way I feel like I'm cheating.... but I did take both photos today with my phone......but they are of my computer monitor.  I'm justifying this because today was another momentous day but not for the positive reason yesterday was.  GO CANADA!  Today was a reminder that we live on the Cascadia Subduction Zone.  Photo no. 1 is the seismograph reading of a 4.8 M earthquake today.  Extra photo shows the epicentre *.  It was seconds only - we didn't even realize that is what it was.  However, the potential is scary.  
"What can happen along the CSZ?" you ask:
Earthquakes: The CSZ is capable of producing earthquakes of 9.0 magnitude or greater.
Tsunamis: The CSZ could produce tsunamis that reach 30 meters (98 ft).
Shaking: Shaking could last 5–7 minutes along the coast.
The last major quake was in 1946 - there was some damage to my parents' house - a crack in the wall as my sister recalls.

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