Sledging on the big field
Our lively and very welcome visitors mean a lot of energy is going into life around home just now, and my blipfoto is suffering a little, both posting and commenting. But I will catch up in a few days. For now here is the blip for the 20th. Shortly my birthday blip (19th) will also appear.
We started sledging on the first afternoon in the garden. By day 3 we were using the big field outside the house. Now we've moved on to the really big field just down the road.
In the picture Eleanor, Florence and Eric are watching Isaac, who is that tiny black dot in the distance, and is about to come to a halt after a really fast trip down the hill, starting from where they are sitting.
We are being really lucky with the weather as it was supposed to be a grey and cloudy day today. As you can see the sun shone!
It was a wonderful exhilarating ride down. However, the walk back up was something of a plod, especially if you are only two-years-old. After an hour or so and three or four return walks through deep snow we had had enough and wandered back home.
Eric had a sleep with dad staying home in case he woke up and Florence, Eleanor and I went out for a trip on the kick sledges. Florence sat on the front of my kick sledge for the downhill bits, and on the front of her mum's for the uphill bits. (Well, Eleanor is a lot younger than me!) I was relieved to get down all the slopes without crashing and dumping Florence into the snow!
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