
By AlrightFlower

Love and marriage

I had a dream (don't worry, I'm not doing a Martin Luther King).

It was one of those really vivid dreams you have just before you wake up. As the day has gone on, I've forgotten more and more of it until, at this point, I can't remember any of it.

What I do know is that I woke up happy and just for the first millisecond, I stayed that way. Then I really woke up...

The only thing I remember is that it involved my ex husband. And we were happy (I think we were eating something, which may have contributed to my sense of wellbeing).

I left my marriage, my house and my (then so stressful) life nine years and five days ago, and I spent a long time being angry. And hurt. But I'm better now - I know it takes two to make a marriage, and two to break it. And now I can acknowledge that I played a part in both of those aspects.

But now, every once in a while, I have these dreams where we're just happy together again.

And it breaks my heart a little.


The hair comb is from my wedding. I've no idea why I keep it...

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