Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Crabbing and chaos!

Oh dear we've had an expensive and eventful day!! We had great plans to go into cromer and go to the beach and go crabbing. We decided to take the car as the weather was lovely and we had all the beach toys with us. When Mr Pink went to start the car it was kaput. He suspected the battery was on it's way out but it was completely dead! Oh dear. A very kind camper helped us by hooking his car up with jump leads and we got our car started eventually. Next stop was Halfords to replace the battery. Not really the holiday souvenir we'd hoped for! Two hours later we finally made it into Cromer! We had a go at crabbing on the pier but after about an hour and no catches the children got a bit fidgety, so we headed down to the beach. We spent about half an hour playing, before the Coastguards sounded their siren, put the red flags on the beach and used a megaphone to declare "no swimming" as there was a storm coming!!! So we stuck it out on the beach for a bit before the heavens opened. Gah! Back to pier for a bit of shelter, and then we gave up and headed back to the campsite. It turned out a really nice evening so we played outside for a while, swingball and balance bikes, and the children made friends with some other campers. Oh and we drank a bottle of wine so that we could use the cork to replace the bung in the airbed as it had gone missing.......resourceful huh!

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