
By carliewired

83 F/ 29 C

A morning with some
colour is not to be missed.
Chasing light is fun.


I was awake at 5 pondering where I'd take my camera this morning. I sat in my recliner to check the weather on my laptop. I noticed the light coming up in the east and thought I'd best get dressed and go have a look. 

As I backed the car out I could see colour beginning to spread in the east. I drove along the South Frontage Road heading for the County Road. I stopped by the library to get a shot of Telegraph Pass through the Gilas on the I-8. To the north side of the pass there is a line of towers that stand up against the sky. I'm sure the telegraph line is gone but these cell towers found a very strategic location. I made a right turn onto the County Road to catch the ocotillo against the sunrise. Mornings like this are not to be missed. 

I picked up my breakfast on the way home. I was back in my recliner before the sun eased into my kitchen. 

I'm home with no particular plans. There's a quilt block to make and some housekeeping to do.  

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