Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


The temperatures are finally warm enough that Jax wanted to spend some time in the yard catching up on all the smells.  I put on a fleece and a windbreaker and as long as I stayed in the sun, I felt very comfortable - bliss.  We spent some time just enjoying the sunshine and comparatively warm temps.  This is the time of year when spring still feels elusive although if I look hard enough I see some small signs.  A month from now, we will be just about past any danger of snow and well on our way to spring.  I'm ready.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to join me in the eagle release yesterday.  This was the second time I have been on hand to photograph an eagle being returned to the wild and it was every bit as thrilling the second time around.  With all the meanness and discord going on in the world right now, I need to remind myself that there are so many people out there who legitimately make the world better every day.  I remind myself that although one man is standing on the world stage right now waving his chainsaw and counting his billions, there are many other people like Giselle out there who are truly the ones who make this world better.  They do it quietly and with incredible grace.  

Had a nice long call with bestie Peg this afternoon who is enjoying her winter in Tucson.  She is navigating the devastating loss of her beloved husband and I think being out there in the sunshine and warm weather has been just the balm she needed.  That said, I miss having her on the east coast and look forward to seeing her again when she returns later this spring.

Hubs is off to his first Akido class tonight.  I can't wait to hear all about it when he gets home.


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