Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Experimenting (and a rant!)

You can skip the commentary if you don't like long rants. I feel better for ranting!

I did some research about Maureen's new VoiceAid to see if it could be connected to a phone. There was nothing in the instructions about this, so I phoned the firm for advice.

The phone was answered by a company that provides calming medications for pets - but it was the correct number. The man I needed was "not at his desk".

I left my number and waited. When he had not replied by lunchtime, I tried again. He was "out at lunch", so I left my number again.

The man I spoke to said that I needed a special connection for the phone and it was not in the box and had to be purchased separately, but he would make sure that the man phoned "as soon as I see him".

Yes, you guessed. I had to phone again. Then he phoned back when I was too far from my phone to answer.

Then he was "on the phone". Eventually we made contact, but he said that the mobile phone companies have limited the volume you can produce with amplification and there was no cable to connect.

By now, I was being polite through gritted teeth.

Maureen's physio was there this afternoon and I asked if she would call. Not only was there a suitable connection in the box, but she had connected it and I could speak to Maureen on the phone. Hooray, but no points for the firm's customer service or knowledge.

I had a parcel coming with DPD and I left details of where to leave it if I was out. They left it at the back door despite the fact that the car was outside, the garage door open and it was starting to rain. Grrr. I found it when the time for it to be delivered passed.

I wanted to experiment with a selfie stick and flowers. This is in preparation for the walk I'm leading in May. I eventually found the stick and had a go. It was very cold outside and it's not easy to do close ups with this method. 

I had to process this in Photoshop to remove the house and my head.

Onwards and upwards!

I'm also getting ready for a journey on Saturday. 

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