But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

The Christmas Card!

It's been a busy day dealing with solicitors and estate agents, it seems that we have been trying to jump through the wrong hoops for the past two weeks. I hope that we now have things straight and can proceed along the correct metaphor with confidence.
The "Sold" sign is still outside the front door, which gives me some assurance but not as much as if we were working with the Scottish legal system.

I found a notice on the board at the Lodge today, it seems that one of TOL's friends has won a Christmas card competition with this design/painting; the competition was open to residents at all the homes run by this particular brand of care provider. Not a bad effort, particularly for a lady of mature years who can see very little.

Today’s back blip is “Recycled Flowerpot Men” from July the 15th.

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