But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Things Can Only Get Better!

I spent today jumping through the new hoops that I found yesterday. Over the last month we have been busy tidying up and clearing out as we progress relentlessly towards the sale of the house. Today was spent looking for items that have been tidied up or cleared out and have suddenly taken on a new importance.
In this day and age with paperless billing, electronic banking and such like, I find it increasingly difficult to prove who I am and that I'm an honest God fearing citizen. I'm now, suddenly, having to prove not who I am but who The Old Lady is. She stopped travelling abroad fifteen years ago and she doesn't drive so she doesn't have the standard forms of photo ID. Her once efficient filing system is now a bit creaky so she pays all her bills by direct debit and it is difficult to find the utility bills that show where she lives and which is her bank.
With the prominence of the internet one can, in theory, work anywhere - and so it happens that the conveyancing solicitor works a few hundred miles away so that I can't walk into the office and discuss our business and show her the problems.
At last I think I've cracked it, but only time will tell. The paperwork goes in the post tomorrow.

I wandered out to the bank at lunch time to get a duplicate paper statement and just played with the camera. When I came to look at what I had, I found this poor dejected soul sitting on a sunny street corner. In my youth there was a cigarette advert that carried the tag line, "You're never alone with a Strand." It was a very popular advert, the slogan was on everybody's lips; however, it spelt the end of the Strand cigarette as the perception was that only lonely people smoked that particular brand.

Today’s back blip is “Unlikely Al Fresco" from July the 16th.

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