The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Runaway Train

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

I have been walking a neighbour’s dog, Ziggy, a couple of times a week while my neighbour recovers from an op.

Ziggy is lovely. Also bonkers. But lovely. I have become quite adept at distracting her from chasing joggers, buggies and bikes. I also know to keep her on a short lead when I take her home due to her predilection for chasing moving cars.

But we have reached an understanding. She always comes back when I call her, so all good.

Until today.

On both of our walks, she bolted. I mean properly bolted. I managed to get her back this morning (with the aid of 2 women who realised that she wasn’t with anyone) but this afternoon, The Prince and I were at the top of the hill when she decided that it was time to go home. And she wasn’t about to wait for us.

We didn’t manage to catch up with her (in the car) until she was almost home, having crossed a busy main road.

Thankfully Ziggy was no worse for her adventure and was delighted to see me. I was so relieved but my tolerance to stress had been well and truly tested, not helped by the complete @rsehole who took the time to snarkily tell me (as we were rushing down the hill, clearly harried) that she didn’t think dogs should charge like that and that we should put her a lead.

I responded with “Thanks for your advice. Very helpful”, and I have no doubt that my tone conveyed EXACTLY how helpful I considered her advice to be!


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