Magdalene Bridge
Donned waterproofs to head into town. This morning had to enter town via Magdalene - pronounced Maudlin - Bridge as Jesus Bridge is being repaired. It adds distance to my journey.
Rain was relentless this morning. Waiting for a break in the downpour was futile. Extra - waiting under cover. Headed to the supermarket for some items hoping rain would stop. It didn't. My hands were too wet to put on both cycling gloves so only wore my right one.
My boots were soaked and my left hand cold by the time I reached home. I had to change footwear and leggings where waterproof trousers had dripped onto ankles and feet.
Took hound for walk after 3pm when rain had stopped and the sun shone. Temperature lower than of late or am I still feeling cold from this morning?
Baked potatoes for dinner.
Noticed a series Extraordinary Portraits presented by Bill Bailey on BBC iplayer. Artists produce a portrait of various people of note. Will watch episode 1 tonight.
It feels like a hunkering down evening. I must still be chilly from this morning.
Pleasant evening everyone.
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