Nailed it!
The third attempt at an Orkney Farmhouse Cheese using F. Marian McNeill's rather vague recipe has worked. It is moist and squeaky inside, encapsulated in a nutty rind.
As I tasted the first sliver I suddenly realised why bere bannocks are so perfect to accompany Orkney Cheese. Their bitterness complements the sweetness of the cheese.
I can't get bere flour in NZ, but now that I have a decent cheese I shall make a bannock using organic barley flour, which is the closest I can get.
My next test of course is to repeat the cheese success. I did make copious notes when I made this one, so with a fair wind I should get it right. And of course practice makes perfect.
It has been a cooler day which is perfect for some pruning. I have begun to cut back the three pittosporums which have grown to block the view from the truck, and the one by the new cabin which is tall enough to bang against the roof in windy conditions.
A bit of hard labour has been very good for my soul, although I stopped myself after an hour and a half. There is no point in pushing my body too hard when there is no rush to complete the job immediately.
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