
By MerrilHope


Constant rain all morning. This meant that Rufus didn't get his walk until early afternoon, after the loft ladder company rep had called to quote for installation of a folding ladder with a handrail. It would be nice to be able to get into my loft (only my bro can manage it and he is starting to struggle with the gymnastics required) but it's an awkward (and therefore expensive) ask due to construction issues.  I have another company coming to look next week, so we'll see. 

After going to the park with Rufus, and completing a quick Asda run, it was nearly 16.00 and my niece arrived as planned. Mostly she was here to discuss her undergraduate research project as she has been struggling with knowing where to start. By the time Maddy left at 9.30, we'd had dinner together, she'd done some cleaning for me (weird - she asked to !) and most importantly, we had identified a working title for her project to focus her ideas and direct her research, and we had an overall structure to work to, so she left all fired up and ready to write and I had a particularly sparkly clean downstairs cloakroom :)

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