Between the Legs
This morning's excitement was to hoover the downstairs stairs (we also have upstairs stairs). Tony went off to do some orienteering prep for a coaching day he is running and I could have gone with him and walked round Danefield but I decided to give the knee a bit of a rest and get some jobs done in the sunshine. It was lovely to have windows open and to be able to wander in and out of the kitchen door in pursuit of emerging flowers between chores.
Several loads of washing on the line later it was lunchtime and I took my sandwich out on the patio to have a proper look at the mini meadow and to listen to the birds chirping happily on the feeders. It looks like we will have more bulbs coming through this year, possibly because I've deterred the squirrels. I looked back at my mini meadow photographic record and I have a while to wait before the yellow rattle emerges.
After lunch, Tony returned whilst I was making fruit cakes and I popped up to see elderly neighbour M with a bunch of daffs. She wasn't in and so I telephoned later and was pleased to hear she had rung for a lift to luncheon club.
There was still time before the light dipped to take my camera out to capture the birds flitting back and forth and I like this one of the blue tit looking at me through its legs with a sunflower heart in its beak.
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