Jelly Baby Blip
I was due to walk this morning with H, but we had to cancel as it was due to rain all morning. So…… yes, I admit it, I was very, very bored when I decided to do a jelly baby blip!!! Even worse, I decided to descale the kettle! I had decided to catch up on some admin, but the guys from Greshams turned up with a chainsaw and tractor and were working the other side of my fence, so concentrating on anything was out of the question. They also planted the new hedge their side of the new fence…… but only 9 inches from the wire fence - what numpties!!! I feel another email complaint coming on!
This afternoon I went to the Thursdays at 3 concert at Cley, and the sun came out for my walk from the car park to the church . This one was called ‘Winter Warmers’ with a piano and clarinet, and featured a wide variety of music from an Irish folk tune, to a Northern jig, to jazz, to a ballad, chamber music and classical music by Mozart. One of the composers was Gerald Finzi and the pianist told a nice story about how she was in a string quartet aged 18 (playing violin and viola) and was invited by Finzi to come and play and sing with his family in their barn. I really enjoyed the variety of music in this concert.
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