Puppy love
A church member and his crew are replacing tin on our roof. His wife, Molly, lived out here about 2 and half years before they married. She lived in Mons house. We love her. She is ours.
She and her husband now have 2 littles. She and the kids came to visit and B did not want to leave. She left him with me and we had so much fun. He loves Bella. The extras are little L and Daisy and B sneaking Buzz part of his hamburger when he thought we weren’t watching! :—)
Daisy had a painful start to the night. So anxious and restless even after the pain pill and aspirin. I finally pulled out the lavender essential out and rubbed her ears and paw. She settled down about 20 minutes later and slept all night. I can tell she isn’t 100% but is eating and drinking. She’s been out on the leash in the sun quite a bit which is great for us all.
What a beautiful day it’s been.
Be blessed.
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