White Lightning
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After arriving in Orlando and picking up our rental car, we checked in to the hotel and went to both Fun Spots in the Orlando area. The first is in Orlando, the other in Kissimmee.
In this photo is White Lightning, which I rode when I lived in Florida in 2013, a few months before I started blipping. It's a nice little park with a couple of decent roller coasters. I rode this one a few times, including once in the back seat. I'm happy to say it's still running well. There is a clone of this coaster in Belgium called Heidi the Ride. We rode that 2 years ago. It's slightly better than the original.
In extras is the other coaster we rode, Freedom Flyer. There's a third coaster there, a kiddy coaster, but we didn't spot it and I don't think anyone was working on it.
We visited a shopping mall before going to the other Fun Spot. I bought a Ferrari polo shirt.
The second park was mostly shut down because it was raining. There are four coasters there, but only one was open. I rode Mine Blower twice, both solo (we call those zen rides). It's rough and intense, and I told Jill after my first ride that she wouldn't like it. It was my 426th coaster.
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