The classic petrol pumps in Uley village
I had to drive through Uley today and I took the opportunity to photograph these original petrol pumps that are such a feature of the Main Street.
I've blipped them before and a former slipper saw my post and realised that a woman walking along the footpath was her mum. I've been visiting Uley since Andrew, an old school friend, bought a former Baptist chapel as the base for his ceramic art. Eventually when he wanted to move he organised a trust to take over the chapel and run it as an arts centre and community facility, called Prema. It thrives to this day despite being in a small village in the Cotswold countryside. If you walk for about 60 yards down South Street, the lane beside the pumps, you reach the chapel.
The pumps seem well maintained and if the car wasn't contemporary or better still not there at all you might think it was still the 1950s, when such sights were everywhere. Directly opposite is the village shop and post office, which also feels as if it was a film set emulating the past. It is up for sale. Much like many village pubs, the shop may soon become a dwelling.
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