Getting back to One was Johnny..
A very strange day today. I didn't sleep well last night after music, which is normal it seems. So I started out super tired. Then I got a text from my lead teacher saying that last night at the Montessori school board meeting they voted not to extend our principals contract for next year. There has been a lot of angst over various things that he does and doesn't do. There were 3 days of listening sessions where the board came to school and the teachers and staff could pass along concerns. There were a lot of them. They listened to us and it was a unanimous vote of not to renew his contract. Needless to say, it was a weird day at school.
Now we have the rest of the year to get through. I really hope they can find a person who is well versed in Montessori philosophy and follows through with things.
I'm very ready for the weekend.
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