michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Feathered Flyer

I was hoping to get both the sunrise and sunset today, but no such luck. Too cloudy when I looked out at 6:41.

But, me and Steve went out for the 'set. It was a little windy, but we had several nice models.

I had another 3 mile walk this morning, and then Lisa and I did a little shopping. 

Leftovers for dinner relieved me of my supper making duties, which allowed me to sneak out for 'set.

An early start to the day tomorrow. Six of us are going to be in line at 7:30 for an 8 a.m.opening of a clubhouse sale. It's semi-famous to this area, and we plan to be among the first people in the door.

One square of the sunset is in my extras.

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