BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Flower ...............

 .............. Friday28_2025  (FF28_2025)  -  Viburnum in the sunshine.

Pinker & greyer larger .....

A frosty start to the day but it warmed up quickly - in fact, it was warm enough for us to sit outside a nice little cafe, on the high street in Holbeach, drink a coffee (Himself) and a hot chocolate (me) and watch the Lincolnshire world go by after a doctor's appointment (Himself again).
Then we rounded off our exciting (!!) morning with a trip round our new Aldi store - always takes three time as long than when I do it on my own!  :o)

My day was rounded off with a visit to the opticians to get new glasses - she talked me into varifocals on a 100 day trial (two pairs for the price of one).    If I don't get on with them, which I know my Mum never did, they made her feel sick and dizzy, they will take them back and we can sort something else out.

I had to sit down with a cup of tea and a biscuit when I got home after such an exciting day (and contemplated the cost of eyewear!).

~ Anni ~

This is Friday uploaded on a VERY frosty, cold but bright, Saturday morning.

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