Pottery painting
A busy day! This morning, our new freezer arrived, but before that was delivered we had to move the old one out of the garage and clear the very last bits of ice from it. Fortunately, the sun was warm. Then the garage floor needed sweeping before the new freezer was installed, which led to other outdoor jobs. However, it did mean I carried out some very necessary shrub pruning. Then my hair dresser arrived to cut my hair.
This evening, (using my old age bus pass for the first time !!) we went into Winchester to help at a GoLD event. Thirty (learning disabled)members were painting pottery, and we volunteers were there to set up the tables and materials, serve drinks and snacks and to encourage artistic ideas. (not that most members needed much encouragement!). My blip shows three of the finished plates and bowls which will now be glazed and fired. All the artists seemed very pleased with their efforts, which were so varied. We all thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
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