Elwetritsches Welt

By Elwetritsche


The Schachenwald are sand dune forests formed by sand drifts on the red sandstone ridge, which protrude about one metre above the moor.
For the first time since October I managed to walk around half the Langenschachen (here commonly called Erster Schachen: first Schachen). I was happy with that. On the way back to the car I climbed up to the first floor of the observation tower at the Kranichwoog. Stairs are still a challenge, but altogether I'm starting to feel better and more confident in walking.

Main photo: walking in the Schachen (view on satellite map to get an idea)
Extra 1: info sign about the Schachenwald
Extra 2: view from the first floor of the obseration tower

20:05; 5°C

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