Biker Babes and Dragon Lady
We went to a park a bit further away than the closest one, it has equipment more suited to older children. They both went on their bikes while I walked with Ziggy.
They had a great time on the various apparatus, see couple of extras, plus a handy tree to climb.
We were there for a good while and returned home for lunch and then they wanted to go to the nearby park. They played a little bit, particularly on the monkey bars, which they can both cope with by themselves now, but then out onto the grassy hill to ride Bella's bike down the steepest park. they both got together to push the bike back up the steep slope so they could take turns as Hetty hadn't taken her bike this time.
The blue photo is of a U2 'Dragon Lady' spy plane on it's approach to RAF Fairford. Lousy photo taken with my phone, I really must get back into the habit of carrying my proper camera with me. (Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ40). The photo is severely cropped, it was pretty close but looked like a dot on the uncropped photo.
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