Bedtime Story(ies)

Tonight it is the turn of Hendrix and Buddy to stay over with us!
Glad to say that they are actually really good boys, and they had already had their evening dinner before being dropped off so they just had some of our rice, poppadum, and a taste of Korma, which they didn't like. Didn't try them with the Sag Alloo, Chicken Tikka, or Aloo Pakora!
They played for a while and then off to bed with two stories. I opened 'Thomas and the Circus' (Thomas the Tank Engine) and Hendrix started to read it out loud, he's a remarkable reader, I was quite taken aback. So we shared the reading through that book but I read the second one 'I Love you Blue Kangaroo'.
Night Night Hendrix, Night Night Buddy, eventually anyway!!

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