There's no doubt anymore, I have a cold. As far as I can remember I didn't have one last year but on the other hand I don't want to remember my colds so I might be wrong. Strangely my colds nearly always develop the same way, a few days of sandpaper in the throat some days of snot galore combined with sneezing. Rarely any fever but the tail of a cold is usually very long. I have a gig on the tenth of March so my plan is to be well by then, just now I'm busy sneezing.
The weather is gorgeous. Mornings starts with thick mist but around noon the sun breaks through and today there was also real warmth from the sun. The birds loved it, as did I.
When I do my walks, I always listen to podcasts. I have a few that I follow, two political ones where professional reporters talk about and analyse what happens in the world. Our Swedish national radio is public service which means they can't take a political standpoint or report one-sided, thay have to present the whole picture, reporting from both sides as well as possible. I listen to pods specialising on the Middle east, Russia and Usa at the moment of course, the reporters have covered those areas for many many years and have a lot of background, knowledge, experience and an important network of people living there. I hardly ever watch the news on tv because images can often be manipulative in a way a reporter isn't (providing you know you can trust their independence). I feel informed but not overwhelmed, since I'm careful not to overconsume the news.
I want to be able to have my walks, being able to enjoy life without falling into the deep pits of despaire. I wish you an enjoyable rest of the weekend.
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