South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

The lady I never met....

I went to the funeral today of Doris, who was my Great Aunt by marriage, but whom I never actually met, and who died last month aged 103. I have got to know her daughter Gwen who only lives a few miles from us in the last few years since my own Mum died. It was a lovely service and it was interesting to hear about her life. She was run over by a motorbike when she was 5 and had a ruptured appendix and peritonitis, but still lived to be a great age! She lived in India for 10 years with her husband Len (my grandmother's brother) and he fought in Burma in the Second World War. She worked in a canteen serving hot meals and drinks for servicemen out there. Funnily enough, my Nan did the same thing over here in the war!

She lived in Bournemouth in her retirement years and used to walk everywhere she could - she didn't like having to use transport! She lost her husband Len in 1978 and continued to live there on her own. She had many interests including growing prize vegetables, and was a trained dressmaker. She was very determined and took everything in her stride, including the loss of both her hearing and her sight in her 80's/90's. At age 95 she moved into the care home where she eventually died, where they were marvellous to her - three of her long-term carers came to the funeral today and seemed lovely. Gwen said Doris was always full of good humour and never grumbled - what a lovely tribute!

This has gone on a bit, but I wanted it to be a tribute to the lady that I never met, and whose wider family I got to meet today and were so welcoming to me.

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