Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

St David’s Day

Hard frost overnight but beautiful day of blue skies and sunshine. Quick whizz to the high street this morning to pick up a few bits for the trip to Iceland, then it was on with the jobs list. Everything was put into jeopardy though when I received a call from the care home to say that Dad had been taken unwell and had had a fall. Thankfully by the afternoon he was feeling much better but tomorrow instead of heading off to visit friends for the day, I’m going to leave early and go and spend some time with him then head on to Devizes, returning the next day. 

It’s been a manic day, at 9pm I’ve just ticked job number 34 off my list but still haven’t got round to packing a bag for tomorrow yet, and have put booking various tickets for Iceland on hold until I’m happy that all is well. Slept for 10 hours last night but having drunk so much caffeine to keep me going today, sadly I don’t think the same will happen tonight.

Thank you for your kind stars and hearts for yesterday’s fish & chips blip.

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