
By SnaphappySally


The day started as usual. I headed off to Pilates and R gave the lawn its first cut. At about 12, mid cut , the electricity went off. A quick check of the fuse box and then the neighbourhood WhatsApp started pinging as the whole road and the opposite estate were affected . Because we live up a hill, our water is pumped so that has a knock on, so no water either, only gas.
National Grid said it wasn’t their issue, EPS said it’ll be fixed by 13-00. It wasn’t…
Then it was 16-00… then 18-00…

For most of the afternoon I sat listening to Gordon Buchanan read his book to me- wonderful , and crocheted, ( final layout of current blanket for reference) but someone who relies heavily on electricity for tv and internet was a bit lost, no names mentioned:)

Luckily for dinner we had leftovers so reheated that on the gas hob.
By now it was saying 22-00 for the electricity to be back on but fortunately we were going out.
We headed out to town for a quiz in aid of the Carnival ( came 2nd) and when I switched my phone back on afterwards the WhatsApp pinged it had been restored at 21-55! No idea what or why but does make you realise how we take it for granted!Home to a nice warm house, just had to reset all the timers.

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