Blossom and Blue Sky
It’s been a very slow kind of day. My hip didn’t seem quite as bad as yesterday, but I think that was maybe just wishful thinking. It was a really lovely bright and frosty morning, a perfect day to run, but alas not today.
I sat and read my book for a while, then got myself moving and hung out some washing. I decided to try my hip out by walking to the pop up bakery. It was a slow walk, but not too bad, and amazingly there was no queue. I then popped into the co-op, and headed home. It was an uphill walk, with two bags, and I think I was a bit unbalanced, so my walk home wasn’t good.
I read more if my book, and hung more washing out, then made a pot of soup. I wanted to go to the supermarket, and didn’t think I could drive, so risked walking. It wasn’t too bad, and it actually felt like my hip was loosening off. Maybe the walk did it some good. I got what I needed, and had a long chat with a couple of neighbours who I haven’t seen for ages. I got home ok.
I sat and read my book, then took my dry washing in. I prepped tea, and risked another short walk along the road, where I bumped into friends, and I had another long chat. I just walked back home and made tea. While it was cooking, I finished reading Conclave, which was a good easy read.
TT and BB appeared home together, I had already eaten and had only catered for two. They cobbled something together to stretch the remains out for the two of them.
The emerging blossom looked lovely against today’s blue sky.
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