Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Tabby appeared on the old wall.

The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time in the Christian Calendar.

The Feast Day of Saint Agnes of Bohemia. Born in Prague, modern Czech Republic. 20th June 1205. Died 2nd March 1282. Prague, modern Czech Republic.
She was a Princess, nun, abbess, foundress of the Prague Poor Clares. 1234.

Also,The Feast Day of Saint Henry Suso. Born 1295. At the age of fifteen he entered the Dominican monastery of Constance. He is remembered as a great preacher, having struggled and won peace, through mystical union with God.

We have been blessed with a gentle, quiet Sunday. It is still and dry, 4c but feels like 2c according to the Google weather forecast.
I walked slowly to the Victoria Street canal site. Two Canada Geese were being exuberant, making loud joyful geese sounds outside the Canalside Cafe. There were geese and possibly ducks under the High Street bridge, too far away from where I was standing, to be certain, but they were splashing about just being playful.
Then I caught sight of dear Tabby running towards me, along the drystone wall. This was a wonderful surprise for me, as I had not seen Tabby for many a long week. Tabby was so happy and joyful.
After a while I strolled home.
I am hoping to watch online Holy Mass soon and then watch Songs of Praise.
Enjoy a good Sunday blip friends and thank you for the stars yesterday.

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