Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Wee flower...

I don't usually do close up photos because I have such shakey hands and they rarely turn out! However, I thought I'd try this out with the flash and I quite like how its turned out. It doesn't look quite real which, I have decided, is cool!

It is, I must admit, a very lazy blip! I've been painting today and became so absorbed in that that the day passed by in a bit of a blur and I suddenly realised that it was 9pm and I'd not taken any pictures....
Ooops, most shameful ;o) So it was this or the cat, and he wouldn't stay still for me! lol

I'm going to have stop looking at my painting now, I keep going back to it and adjusting this or that and then realising I've ruined part of it and having to do it again. Its almost finished, but thats the part I always find the hardest. Knowing when to stop must be an art in itself!
One last go tomorrow and then thats it!

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