
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 19/62
Main activity: Sat - around the house, pickleball, March!
Notes: Woke early and was up for awhile - turned on the tv and finally fell back to sleep - weird vivid dreams. Slow morning, did stuff around the house, a dark load and some stretching. Also Cut up veggies and put a pound of ground beef in the crock pot - the closest thing I can make to pot roast or stew without a roast. Was iffy all day but decided some movement would be good for the PB Open Play I'd signed up for. Left about 245p, with a stop at the nearby UPS Store for another Amazon return and then on to Pickleballerz for 330-6p play. Was good - got to start playing a bit early and last game ended about 550p so headed back. Fed Chloe and ate 2 bowls of my beef veggie mix from the crock pot. Late shower and then watched some shows - a bit stiff and tired.

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